This week at Ifeelmyself

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About ifeelmyself:

We’re passionate about female masturbation and orgasm. The most important thing about the videos on is authenticity. The orgasms are real. Can we prove that all the orgasms on are real? Obviously not. But think about this – there’s two ways you could film female orgasm. Either create a situation where it can happen, naturally and authentic; or fake it, and hope it looks convincing. Everybody else seems to try method 2 and we don’t think it works.

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member review

“As a normal, married, heterosexual male, I mostly despair at what passes for erotica on the internet. More often than not, it’s transparently staged and insulting to the intelligence. IFM, however, is the first site I’ve come across that makes me feel ‘clean’ in the knowledge that I’m watching real women willingly share their sexuality in a way that feels both intimate and entirely authentic. It’s had a really positive effect on my relationship with my wife (because I’ve observed and learnt) and reassured me that men and women aren’t very far apart in their desires and needs. ” ›› Chris, London, Oct 2011